Evan Perry, a lifelong health and fitness enthusiast hailing from California, has embarked on a remarkable journey devoted to the harmony of the mind and body. While pursuing a PhD in Psycho Neuro Immunology at the prestigious University of Miami, Evan's deep understanding of the mind-body connection led him to embrace yoga as a transformative tool.

Evan began teaching in 1996 and led the Ashtanga yoga program at Yoga Works Westside, NY from 2002 to 2015 and was a guest yoga instructor at Juilliard from 2002 to 2006.   He studied Ashtanga yoga in India with Pattabhi Jois, and in New York practices with Eddie Stern.

Evan Perry's dynamic teaching style has earned him a well-deserved reputation in the industry. His ability to guide students through invigorating and transformative yoga sessions has garnered recognition in esteemed publications such as Allure, Shape, Sports Illustrated for Women, and Vogue. Presently, Evan shares his expertise as he teaches Ashtanga yoga at J Train, inspiring individuals to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery and holistic well-being

Evan Perry

Yoga Teacher


Evan Perry, a lifelong health and fitness enthusiast hailing from California, has embarked on a remarkable journey devoted to the harmony of the mind and body. While pursuing a PhD in Psycho Neuro Immunology at the prestigious University of Miami, Evan's deep understanding of the mind-body connection led him to embrace yoga as a transformative tool.

Evan began teaching in 1996 and led the Ashtanga yoga program at Yoga Works Westside, NY from 2002 to 2015 and was a guest yoga instructor at Juilliard from 2002 to 2006.   He studied Ashtanga yoga in India with Pattabhi Jois, and in New York practices with Eddie Stern.

Evan Perry's dynamic teaching style has earned him a well-deserved reputation in the industry. His ability to guide students through invigorating and transformative yoga sessions has garnered recognition in esteemed publications such as Allure, Shape, Sports Illustrated for Women, and Vogue. Presently, Evan shares his expertise as he teaches Ashtanga yoga at J Train, inspiring individuals to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery and holistic well-being


B.S. Psychobiology, UCLA 1994

J TRAIN’s team


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